Two Thousand and Fifteen

2015. The year of huge growth for Frankie & Dandelion both personally & professionally.
- We started the year with 900 followers on Facebook and are finishing with over 3,000!
- We launched our online store.
- We celebrated our first birthday - 12 months of hard work & dedication.
- We visited new regions with our travelling market stall.
- We had SO much fun and memorable moments with customers both in person & online.
I know there are a variety of 2015/New Year posts filling your feeds & inbox right now so I promise to keep it brief. I love reflecting back, it puts everything into perspective and magnifies all the significant moments gone past. This year more than ever I feel I've found my place doing exactly what I love. There's a new sense of energy flowing through our work & family life. I put my hand up and admit I don't always get the balance right (hey I'm only human) but I just can't wait to see what 2016 brings. The good, the bad and the amazing.
Thank you to ALL of you for your continued love and support. Whether it's a comment/like on social media, shopping with us, sharing us with your friends or simply a smile & kind word - it all means so much. Frankie & Dandelion couldn't happen without you all.
For now I'm sitting here basking in reflection & relaxation with my little family. I hope you are all doing the same. Below I've shared our favourite moments of the year.
Love & kindness,
x x x