Meet the Brand Reps: Kirrilee Harriss

Make a cuppa (or pour a wine), sit back and get to know the girls who are all about Frankie & Dandelion.
This week it's Kirrilee Harriss. A long time friend of mine (connected through years of watching our men on the footy sidelines). This girl has a knack for styling and shooting amazing photographs. I've recently discovered another hidden talent of her's - cake making. Seriously check out her instagram account: @kirrilee92 and prepare to drool.
Tess x
Name Kirrilee Harriss
Age 23
Size top half 6-10 bottom half 12-14
What is your occupation?
Winemaking Administration
What is the dress code for your workplace?
How would you describe your style?
Boho (layers,oversize & patterns) cool grunge (navy & white stripes,denim,chokers & messy buns) otherwise I'm in my active wear.
What are your go-to wardrobe essentials?
T-shirt dress and sandals!
What are your go-to accessories?
Watches and scarves
Summer or Winter?
Finish this sentence: I can’t leave the house without……
my phone.... Haha since we are talking fashion my hand bag and or purse.
Do you have children? If so, what ages are they?
NO!..... but I can not wait to have them, have so many little people in my life though.
What are your hobbies?
I love cooking and baking. My life is 80% Paleo (there is just somethings I can't give up) I love fitness and sport, I spend most of my spare time doing fitness. I love to read and watch thrillers (the scarier the better) I love spending time with my friends and family.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?
Oh golly, that's a tough question to ask, can I phone a friend?
What is your favourite way to unwind/treat yourself?
My favourite way to unwind would be to have a nice hot bath (which I can't do until our bathroom has been renovated) and to treat myself, shopping of course.
What do you find challenging?
Trying to find balance between everything and anything in life.
Why do you love Frankie & Dandelion?
Because it's LOCAL, they have limited and unique pieces that suit every style and body type, they are affordable and the owner and her little fam bam are friends of mine.
Who inspires you?
My mum. She is the most beautiful soul on this earth.
Who is your style icon?
All the wonderful women who share their styles on Instagram.
What advice do you have to other ladies out there?
You are enough. You are so enough, it is unbelievable how enough you are!
And finally, what is your favourite piece from our current range?