Meet the Brand Reps: Erin Rietman

Make a cuppa (or pour a wine), sit back and get to know the ladies who are all about Frankie & Dandelion.
Erin is a Mum I am in awe of. Entrepreneurial, creative, passionate, kind, hilarious and down to earth. I just love her, her continuing support of women in business and her gorgeous Instagram account @being_milla_and_me
Tess x
Name: Erin Rietman
Age: 28
Size: 10-12
What is your occupation?
1st job, Mum to Milla! Casual waitstaff at the most gorgeous café on the WA coast. Having this job allows me to focus on my side hustle, being a kickass entrepreneur with an amazing skin technology company – I love helping people with skin issues they’ve had for years. Seeing their transformations is truly amazing!
What is the dresscode for your workplace?
Uniform at work, at home – casual and comfy!
How would you describe your style?
My husband calls me plain Jane! I like to be comfortable FIRST. I would say casual, laid back Mum style – is that a thing?! Haha
What are your go-to wardrobe essentials?
A good pair of jeans & comfy flats
What ages are your children? Do they affect your choice of clothing?
Milla 3. She has absolutely changed my choice of clothing. Firstly because I now carry extra weight/stretched skin that wasn’t there before having her but also because we’re so active. Play centres, playgrounds and play dates call for comfy outfits that are super easy to move around in!
What is your favourite thing about yourself?
My positive personality and ability to get along with (most!) people
What is your favourite way to unwind/treat yourself?
Going to the gym, a walk or ride with Luke & Milla, reading or long hot shower. I’ve also just started meditating and am really enjoying it!
What do you find challenging?
Finding a balance between being a good mum, wife, employee, friend, team member and person! I’ve been working on it for a number of years and am definitely noticing a difference with changes I’m making along the way. It’s certainly a juggling act!
Why do you love Frankie & Dandelion?
I love that Tess is open & honest about motherhood & life in general. She’s a normal person and so relatable! I love that I can shop online and support a small, local business all the way over in WA. I grew up in Loxton and love seeing the changes and growth in the small town, if I can contribute to that I’m a happy camper!
Who inspires you?
The first two that come to mind are the 2 most important females in my life; my Mum & Milla. They inspire me to be the best version of myself but also remind me (in their own ways) that I’m doing a good job and to keep going.
In the wider community, it’s the people I work with and have met through network marketing and via social media – these women are serious hustlers and are so ambitious & determined – it’s such a privilege to be surrounded, motivated & inspired by them!
Who is your style icon?
Oh my gosh, I seriously can’t think of anyone – sorry!
Actually…..maybe YOU!
What advice do you have to other ladies out there?
Trust your gut, forget what other people think or say and if your dreams are big, gutsy, ambitious and slightly overwhelming then go for it!
And finally, what is your favourite piece from our current range?
Summer tanks from Madison Square Clothing and the crepe skirt from Freez Fashion