Meet the Brand Reps: Alex Lokan

Make a cuppa (or pour a wine), sit back and get to know the girls who are all about Frankie & Dandelion.
It's that time of the week again! This week's featured rep is a beauty. The kinda girl that you don't necessarily have to have met in person but somehow you just instantly want to become besties with her. Her larger than life attitude is infectious and her laid back style is oh so relatable!
Tess x
Name Alexandra Lokan
Age 28
Size 12-14
What is your occupation?
Radio announcer/journalist
What is the dress code for your workplace?
It's pretty casual, which suits me just fine! I live in jeans at the station.
How would you describe your style?
It's eclectic and very messy sometimes. I'm constantly at the gym and running so spend a lot of time in activewear, tees and vests. I love everything from grungy tees to 90s sweaters to sneakers of all types and flowing skirts.
What are your go-to wardrobe essentials?
A really great-fitting pair of jeans is vital! A beautiful leather (or faux) jacket, quality white, black and grey tee-shirts and slogan tees are great for showing off your attitude!
What are your go-to accessories?
Scarves, black handbags and sneakers.
Summer or Winter?
Winter! Layers let you play around with your look so much more. Plus, I burn easily so I like to be covered up!
Finish this sentence: I can’t leave the house without……
a handbag. It's packed with my whole life and I'm prepared for every disaster from dry lips to the apocalypse!
Do you have children? If so, what ages are they? Do they affect your choice of clothing and accessories?
No, not just yet! But I'm not sure it would change my style too much... I live for comfort anyway!
What are your hobbies?
Running (or trying to), reading everything from Vogue to Jane Austen and the daily paper, yoga and my never-ending quest to find the world's best coffee.
What is your favourite thing about yourself?
That I can now look back and can see that I've developed so much as person since starting my career in media four years ago. I'm proud of the decisions I've made and risks I've taken: it's made me the tough cookie I am now! People often say they find me funny so... it's nice to know that I have the ability to make people laugh!
What is your favourite way to unwind/treat yourself?
Burning a delicious-smelling candle and devouring the latest Vanity Fair with a cup of tea, or checking out the latest movie at the theatre. There's nothing better!
What do you find challenging?
I find thinking about the future scary... I'm a bit of a fly by the seat of my pants type and thinking about where I'll be in two years' time makes me anxious. I'm trying to find a balance between being excited about the freedom that not knowing gives you but also trying to come up with a plan for my life. I also find coping with Collingwood not doing so well in the AFL this year is extremely difficult! Don't even start me on dating, I get cold sweats just thinking about it!
Why do you love Frankie & Dandelion?
I'm a big supporter of local talent so knowing that the money I'm spending is going to a local business makes me feel great. The kimonos bring out the free spirit in me - I always feel different and somehow more relaxed and capable when I'm wearing it, it's almost like my superhero cape!
Who inspires you?
I have so many talented, generous and brave friends from high school and uni who are always encouraging me to be a better version of myself and pushing me to be brave, my twin - she's an ambo and she's clever, tough and accomplished, and all women of every walk in life who put themselves out there to bring attention to the problems women face today, anyone from Jennifer Lawrence to Amy Schumer, crusaders like Rosie Batty and even Kim K... they're all doing their bit.
Who is your style icon?
Kate Moss and Alexa Chung. They're too cool for words!
What advice do you have to other ladies out there?
TRUST YOUR GUT. Whether it's that niggling feeling that guy or girl isn't the right partner for you, you need a career change or you need to ditch your toxic mate... trust that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Sometimes we need to shut out the noise and trust ourselves because let's face it, we're pretty awesome!
And finally, what is your favourite piece from our current range?
The Goldie kimono. You can't go past some leopard print and I feel powerful like Beyonce when I wear it. Who doesn't wanna feel like Bey?