Mama Love: Pregnancy

Ahhhh pregnancy. The thing that separates us ladies from the male species. Well that and you know; the ability to put down a toilet seat, the cost of a hair cut, the time it takes to get ready to go out, the ability to multi task, the effects of the common cold, etc, etc.
{image found via pinterest}
Yes, the ability to grow a mini-human is a girl-only perk and for those lucky enough - completely life changing. I am forever thankful/humble for my experience when I know there are many out there battling. I'm going to get real now though - this blessing comes with a side of:
*morning/all day sickness
*gigantic boobs (which may sound like a perk but trust me no-one is having fun when they are sore/tender/leaky/about to explode)
*then you know BIRTH
I certainly don't want to put off any mamas currently "up the duff" but let's be honest. Pregnancy is 50% beyond over the moon about meeting this little person. 50% wanting to hibernate from all the idiots out there. Eating a block of chocolate. While watching tv. In bed. Oh bed. Sleep......
For most of us though this isn't a viable option. Because. Um. LIFE.
I've said it before and I'll say it again - when we feel good in what we are wearing it can do wonders for our self-esteem/mood. Both of which can take a hit when you're feeling lousy.
Personally I don't believe in a whole maternity wardrobe. Rather pieces that can grow with you through each stage - from the early days where you just feel frumpy/sea sick to when your belly suddenly "pops" and then just after the birth day (because majority of us aren't up to rocking a body hugging outfit days after birth).
Whether you love dressing up your bump or simply want quick fuss-free formulas, here are my top pregnancy style tips:
- Build upon your existing wardrobe. {Pictured above: Freez Dress $49, Rose Bullet Vest $80 }
- Get maternity specific essentials such as: black leggings, tube skirt and jeans. Don't feel you have to spend a fortune, invest in the pieces you know you will wear constantly. For me this was jeans.
{Pictured above: Freez Black Top $39, Frankie & Dandelion Florence Kimono $70}
- For layering tops, dresses and basics look beyond the maternity department. Often you can get away with going up a few sizes - these pieces will be handy in the days after birth too.
{Pictured above: Freez Skirt $59, Freez PU Cardi $49 }
- Look for items that will grow with you. Kaftan/shift dresses, kimonos, open front jackets/vests, etc. Anything floaty is your friend but that doesn't have to mean wearing a tent. Soft fabrics that drape balanced with streamlined basics give off that gorgeous glowing vibe whilst still being comfortable.
{Pictured above: Runaway Domain Top $80 }
BIG thank you to my gorgeous girl Hollie (who is expecting their little addition in the next few days!) for letting me use her bump to demonstrate how typical "non-maternity" pieces can be utilised.
Pregnancy is such a roller coaster ride at the end of the day the important thing to remember is this:
"You're doing a great job. You're gorgeous how you are. Keep going."
Tess. Xx.