In The Blink Of An Eye

Yesterday I wrote a blog post. The next instalment in our 'How-To' series. I had every intention of sharing it with you all yesterday. That is until my phone rang. The news I received was equal parts shocking & devastating. I don't want to go into too much detail as I believe it's not my place to share the story. In fact the people who have the most right to share it have done so, you can read about it here. The previous blog post remains saved & unpublished in my drafts folder. For now I have something much much more important to share with you:
There is a family. A family whose dedication, friendliness & generous spirit has played a vital role in our tight knit community of Loxton. In fact I'd go as far to say the Riverland/Mallee region in South Australia. It is a family who is made up of the kindest, most warm hearted people you will ever meet. Who have the ability to make anyone smile who meets them. Right now that family is experiencing something that no one ever would have wished on them. If I had the ability to change it all I would.
It seems empty to be lecturing you all on the "right way to wear something". So right now today I don't want you to spend your money here. My bracelets/kimonos/pants can wait another day, they will still be here when your next pay check comes in. Please use that money and donate it so we can help a family who have helped many others. Here is the link to both the story & donation page:
As always, thank you for your time.
Please note this article has been published with full permission of the family.