Meet the Brand Reps: Anita Leach

Make a cuppa (or pour a wine), sit back and get to know the girls who are all about Frankie & Dandelion.
Mama to three (4 month old twin girls & a nearly 3 year old boy) life is busy for Anita. She handles it with grace and a kick-ass sense of humour & honesty.
At the time of posting this Anita had sent me the below photo - as you can see she is ROCKING our Coco Harem Pants (available here) but what I also learnt was that she was sick with a cold/flu bug too. Who could tell?! I wish I looked that together whilst unwell. Sending healthy thoughts her way.
Tess x
Name Anita Louise Leach
Age 29... The big 30 in August (eeeek!!)
Size 14... Sometimes 16 and even (only recently) sometimes a 12.
What is your occupation?
Wife, Mumma Bear and Bookkeeper on maternity leave.
What is the dress code for your workplace?
Pretty casual but that doesn't stop me from dressing up a little. Be it a nice skirt, a scarf or some cute shoes.
How would you describe your style?
I don't really think I have style let alone 'a style'. Layered casual... Is that a style?
What are your go-to wardrobe essentials?
Loose tops, or a kimono to hide all my post pregnancy bumps and lumps... My go to top at the moment is my Black Freez top, it's perfect!! (Note-I originally bought it when I was first pregnant with the twins to accommodate my growing belly, it's very versatile.
What are your go-to accessories?
Necklaces! I vary between my Palas charm necklace, my Samantha Will mineral pendant and my Little Vibes teething necklace (for the twinnies). I do also feel like I've left the house partly naked if I forget to put earrings in, I love any and all stud earrings.
Summer or Winter?
I'm a born and bred girl from the desert so it's without a doubt summer. I hate being cold.
Finish this sentence: I can’t leave the house without……
makeup on (Mineral powder is the minimum), my phone and running an hour late trying to get myself and everyone else ready!
Do you have children? If so, what ages are they?
Yes I do have mini humans. My gorgeous little man Mace who will be 3 in June. And my 2 little Twincesses, Harlow and Scarlet, who are 4 and a half months young.
Do they affect your choice of clothing and accessories?
Sure do! As mentioned above I now wear looser clothing. I also take into account if I have to iron something before buying it. I really don't have time nor the patience to do ironing any more. I am currently choosing to wear teething necklaces for the twins and have stopped wearing bracelets as I wouldn't wear them for long before Mace would steal them to wear himself.
What are your hobbies?
Online shopping (Don't tell the hubby), reading, photography and searching for crafty ideas on Pinterest that I have good intentions of one day trying (but probably never will!!)
What is your favourite thing about yourself?
The patience I have for my children.
What is your favourite way to unwind/treat yourself?
A cup of tea or coffee, in bed, with sweet and salty popcorn and a current episode of whatever tv show I'm up to watching.
What do you find challenging?
Getting out of the house before 9am. If I do, I tend to document it with a car selfie! Also eating healthy. I love the idea of clean eating but I also love the idea of a McChicken Burger!
Why do you love Frankie & Dandelion?
I love that I'm supporting, not only local, but a local (kick-ass) mumtrepreneur! And the clothes (including the handmade) are all great quality and sizing!
Who inspires you?
All the fellow mums out there that keep it real. The ones who don't judge me or my kids especially when they're being turds, who laugh it off with me cos they can admit their toddler is also a turd a times. The fellow mums that will help me with my kids even though they have their hands full cos they understand that I just need a break some times. The fellow mums who don't stare at the various stains and marks on my clothes but appreciate the effort I put in to actually be out of my pj's (& they're probably staring at their own grubby little finger marks on their clothes any way). Cheers to all my fellow mums who keep it real!!
Who is your style icon?
When I find my style I shall let you know
What advice do you have to other ladies out there?
Always be yourself... Unless you can be Wonder Woman, then always be Wonder Woman!!
And finally, what is your favourite piece from our current range?
Freez Spliced Ponti Pant. Super comfy, warm and keeps all my wobbly bits nice and firm.